Mock responses

Loading "Mock Responses"
Our getAuthToken() function significantly depends on the response returned from the server. For starters, there's a validation layer to handle error responses:
if (response.status === 401) {
  throw new Error('Authentication failed: invalid credentials')

if (!response.ok) {
  throw new Error('Authentication failed: network error')
Then, there's successful, "happy path" scenario handling, where we read the response body as JSON and return the token property from the response body:
const json = await response.json()

return {
  token: json.token,
And we need to test all of those scenarios!
But let's start from the beginning. Let's start from the happy path.
If the server returns a 200 response, our function will read its body and return some of its properties. That's a great intention to put into a test.
For that intention to happen, the POST request must be (1) intercepted; and (2) mocked. Wait, those two steps are precisely what request handlers are for!
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό In this exercise, create a new request handler in handlers.ts for the request made by the getAuthToken() function. Respond to that request with a mocked JSON response containing { token: 'abc-123' } in its body. And, finally, finish the test at to validate the getAuthToken() function returns the right token from the received response. Verify your solution by running npm test.

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