Mock responses

First, I will delete the http.all() request handler in handlers.ts:
import { http } from 'msw'

export const handlers = [
  http.all('*', ({ request }) => {
    console.log(request.method, request.url)
It was a helpful debugging handler for viewing all outgoing requests in this test, but now we’ll focus on intercepting specific requests.
In the same handler.ts module, I will create a new request handler for a POST request to the endpoint, using the function:
import { http } from 'msw'

export const handlers = ['', () => {
    return Response.json({
      token: 'abc-123',
To mock a response for the intercepted request, I am returning a Fetch API Response instance from its response resolver (the second argument of the request handler:, resolver)).
🦉 Response.json() is a static method for shorthand declaration of application/json responses on the web!
Now, whenever my test makes the matching request, MSW will intercept it and respond using the mocked JSON response I've defined. In fact, let's verify that! Let's print the result returned from the getAuthToken() function to the console.
import { getAuthToken } from './get-auth-token.js'

test('returns the authentication token on successful authentication', async () => {
  const result = await getAuthToken({
    email: '',
    password: 'supersecret123',
$ npm test

stdout | get-auth-token.test.ts > returns the authentication token on successful authentication
{ token: 'abc-123' }

 ✓ get-auth-token.test.ts (1)
   ✓ returns the authentication token on successful authentication
🎉 Woo-hoo!
But let's not get too happy too soon. Vitest may report the test as passing but that's only because it has no assertions. The test doesn't validate anything and so it will always pass.
To complete this test, I will add an assertion for the token value returned from the getAuthToken() function to be the exact value I've provided in the mocked response:
import { getAuthToken } from './get-auth-token.js'

test('returns the authentication token on successful authentication', async () => {
  await expect(
      email: '',
      password: 'supersecret123',
  ).resolves.toEqual({ token: 'abc-123' })
Notice that I've rewritten the entire test to pass the pending promise of getAuthToken() to expect(), awaiting the assertion itself. By doing so, I'm creating a nicer experience for when this test fails. The await expect().resolves chaining will print a friendly error message in case getAuthToken() rejects, instead of treating it as an unhandled exception in test.
Remember that we write tests to fail, and it matters greatly when and how they fail.

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